Wednesday, June 2, 2010

sorry i'm late in posting ...

... but i've been a little distracted.

i discovered a blogger, the pioneer woman, and got completely caught up in reading the story of how she fell in love.

a self-proclaimed city girl, she fell in love with a real live cowboy (she calls him "marlboro man") and has been ranching it ever since.

read her story here, one delicious, romantic chapter at a time. but i'm warning you, it's addictive.

ps i'm new to this, but apparently she also home schools four kids, is an outstanding photographer, and has a cookbook.

pretty much she does it all.


Jeremy & Robin said...

the cookbook is as good as her blog-i'm addicted too! we need to come see you guys-we've been missing you-robin

Kelly Tirman said...

yep - the pioneer woman is the martha stewart of the mommy bloggers.

I am not even going to attempt to add up the amount of hours I have spent reading her story or trying to recreate her yummy food.

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