Wednesday, April 3, 2013

my tip for getting into a fancy event for free.

photo is courtesy of the southern artisan cheese festival.
sometimes there's a cool event i want to go to, but can't bring myself to spend the money.

i mean, some of these fancy-pants events cost upwards to $200 a ticket. even if i did want to spend the money, who would i go with?

so here's how i get in free to events i'm super excited about, but aren't in my budget.

i volunteer.

plan ahead and sign up as a volunteer. work your heart out, and when your work is through, most helpers get to take advantage of all there is to offer at the event, and maybe even get a goodie bag before they go.

i've helped at lots of events, including the southern artisan cheese festival, nashville film festival and more, and i've had a lot of fun doing it.

and it was totally free. doesn't get any cheaper than that.

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