Thursday, April 19, 2012

am i living my best life?

i got on facebook this morning and saw this image on a friend's page. it looks like something out of a yoga magazine, but it's not. it's really an image of her.

awe-inspring, don't you think?

this picture reminded me that deep inside, this is who i want to be. healthy body, strong muscles, centered mind. at peace.

but even when i have the chance, it seems i choose the wrong things to eat and drink. i skip yoga class more than i attend. i ditch a good book to watch the kardashians on tv.

and i don't think i've ever stood on my head on the beach.

hmmmm ... let me think. nope. never.

so why do we choose the wrong things, even when we know the good things actually make us feel better and happier?

i don't have the answer for that. but i do know that seeing this image has inspired me to take some small steps to a healthier, happier lifestyle.

who's with me?

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