Monday, February 13, 2012

monday. with a side of valium.

kindergarten: day one. we've come so far since then. thank goodness for good pharmaceuticals.

i'm pretty sure being a kindergarten mom is a right of passage only the strongest survive.

in the doldrums of this wintery second semester i thought things would settle down, having absorbed and become comfortable with the protocols for drop-off, pick-up, lunch-packing, homework completion, school uniforms, tardy slips, field trips, report cards, book reports, permission slips, and the like.

but no.

what should be a dead zone of routine is in fact quite lively with a multitude of "holidays" to observe (which includes more permission slips, checks to write and other daily preparations), including ground hog day, picture day, valentine's day, president's day, a jump rope competition, a talent show and a whole slew of "special days" in which the child is expected to wear designated items, such as funny hats, etc.

i will do my best to keep up with it all, but there's a good chance the boy will be wearing a funny hat on picture day, and we'll all just have to live with that.

i hear first grade is less complicated, but i think that's a myth to keep us kindergarten moms from contemplating homeschooling.

tomorrow i'm taking the morning off to help with the valentine's fondue party, which, despite the outrageous amount of money i've spent on chocolate chips, i'm secretly excited to attend. and yes, we're breaking out the chocolate fountain.

with much love and many neuroses,

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