christmas may be past, but my sissies surprised me with packages on the same day!
from big sis charlotte (aka chardy) a cool paul frank tee from her recent nyc trip and a copy of the help. have you read it?
and from twinnie, an addition to my syd hoff collection: danny and the dinosaur, only it's in spanish! que bueno!
meanwhile, the snow continues, off and on, but the boy is back in school.
he was none to happy about it and it wasn't easy for me leaving him with his teacher in tears. (the boy in tears, not his teacher).
but such is the case with post-holiday blues. the kids are all off kilter and it will be a while before they (and some of us adults, too) get back on track.
more snow and sleet is on the way for nashville, so getting back into a routine may not happen for a while.
how do you deal with dropping off a crying child without crying yourself? send me your tips.
[[sniff sniff]]
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