Wednesday, July 6, 2011

we're on a boat, y'all.

one of the highlights of our south fla. trip was riding on sis's bf's boat.

we took an excursion from naples to isles of capri, about a 90 minute ride.

here's captain john. what a sweetie.

along the way we went tubing in the gulf and basically luxuriated in the piercing blue skies, gorgeous waves, cavorting dolphins, and lady gaga tunes (we're on the edge of glory, baby!).

the kids were over the moon about it.

twinnie's hubz rupert was the bravest rafter of the bunch. the boy and i opted to stay portside.

here's capri fish house from the boat's vantage point. they have a buffet on sundays. you run a tab and just basically eat all day long, whenever you're hungry.

i like saying "put that mojito on my tab." it has a nice ring to it.

this is twinnie with her older boy and mine.

grouper fingers. the best in south florida.

maybe the world.

i think i ate about a million and a half of them.

the noted blogstress kelle hampton was there as is her custom (see her weekend recap here), and i couldn't help snapping a shot of her sleeping nella-bean.

here's sis and her older boy.

we sure do have a lot of boys in this family.

kelle hampton sighting: she's right behind them. love her.

and speaking of boys, there was a lot of co-bro love being spread around.

gotta love the cousin-brothers from L.A.

i'm ready to go back. seriously.

more tomorrow, my lovelies.

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