once again i had my scheduled girls night out, and the "girls" turned out to be me, myself and i. funny how often that happens. poor planning on my part.
anyhoo, i traipsed over to the louis vuitton store to have them take a look at the broken zipper on little louie (technically it's but a humble accessories pouchette, nearly five years old to boot, but who's counting?)
the perfectly groomed salesmen eyed it meticulously (and perhaps with a bit of disdain?) and assured me the in-house seamstress should be able to fix it gratis.
i then attempted a little humor, asking if they had a "loaner bag" for me to carry in the meantime.
ha ha ha, ho ho ho. instead I got this silly little shopping bag.
did i pop my cell phone, keys and wallet in it and carry it the rest of the night?
you betcha.
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