jack henry's fourth birthday is fast approaching.
some time ago, he decided it would be a pirate party. or maybe I decided that.
anyway, in the interim he's mentioned a spider-man party too. and today, he asked if we could have, of all things, a "monster man" party. the conversation went something like this:
mommy, have you ever heard of monster man? he's a giant. and he's so so so so big - like this big mommy - so big he can't fit in a jail. because he's a giant. and he's green. and he has spikes so he can kill his enemies. could you make monster man cupcakes? and it could be a monster man party. and, um, maybe you could make some pirate cupcakes too? can you do that mommy?
in the spirit of monsters, i posted this adorable t-shirt from the pajama squid.
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