Why's it gotta be like that? The dishwasher decided to leak water like crazy, flooding the kitchen and seeping completely underneath the tile. My sweet hubby is prying up tile as we speak and a new DW is on the way. First the alternator on the car goes out, now this. It's like all the machines are dying at once. Well, to be fair, they are all elderly and it was to be expected, but all at once? Brutal.
What model did you end up with and what are the key features that I must have when I buy mine? PS how much did you spend?
you will have to ask scott. he bought it.
I found Joan a used washboard and a fine new scrub brush. Let's re-cap... Used washboard... 10 dollars. Fine new scrub brush... 2 dollars. Watching Joan's face when I give her the news.... Priceless!!!
I feel your pain! In Jan. we had a dishwasher leak UNDER the floor NO flood but UNBELIEVABLE damage, the company that the insurance company sent did a unprofessional and left our house a wreck for almost 2 Months! Not to mention they left my sink pulled for 2 weeks while they tried to get things dry.. It was a living NIGHTMARE. be glad your hubby can fix things... I hope it is all better soon.
Things could be worse. You could live at our house, where the 17-year-old air conditioning system just gave up the ghost. Yes. It is 90-something, and we have NO AIR. This explains why Kristin is at the office on Sunday afternoon....
wow. guess i don't have it so bad after all! hang in there CK and Shara!
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