Seems like the time flew by. But we really did a lot considering we made a concentrated effort not to overachieve or have any kind of agenda (like we Yordys are known to do). Here's the run-down: Went to the waterpark, played at the playground, got photos of the grandsons taken at Wal-Mart, made bubbles, played croquet, went to the thrift store, hit the garage sales, went to Wal-mart about ten more times, had a cupcake baking party, had a weenie roast, ordered pizzas and took them to the park for a massive picnic, survived a storm and a day of no power, went to cousin Debbie's spa, played in the sprinklers and kiddy pool, played with Dad's classic marble game, watched a slide show of family photos, went on a riverboat cruise, took a million photos (JH took the one with this post), played Chinese checkers, watched "Alvin and the Chipmunks" 72 times, and cooked Jamaican food. I think that's everything. Ashford and Drake are staying for another two weeks. I can only imagine the fun the tween edition of Granny Camp will include! Don't have too much fun without us!
It was super fun and it all went by too fast. I loved gorging on cupcakes and marshmallows. Life is good. (jean)
Reading this has made my head spin -- must have been amazing to live it! I am now going back to nice, calm, quiet, restful catalogs-on-a-tight-deadline. :-)
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